I am in the process of updating my website.  Please bear with me while it is under construction…


Current / Recent activity:


Physical Distancing Discs – Series Two

Physical Distancing Discs is back on Slack’s Radio for a second series.

This time round, instead of recording mixtapes at home, I will be inviting people to join me in the studio so we can play tracks to each other, to make a collaborative mixtape.

You can listen to previous episodes here.


Past Events:



I am showing prints from my Rituals project in the current exhibition at the NewBridge Project, THE NEWBRIDGE ‘OPEN’ OPEN.

The Rituals zine is also available to buy from NewBridge Books.

The exhibition is open Wednesdays: 1pm — 5pm + Thursdays, Friday and Saturday: 12pm — 5pm, until Saturday 9th November, 2024.

Install photographs by Matt Denham.



All Work No Play

I was interviewed by Kat Bevan interviewed for her All Work No Play podcast on Slack’s Radio. On it we discussed my PhD thesis and my involvement in the UBI Lab Network. It was a real honour to be invited onto the show and I was really pleased to hear that reading my thesis made her felt hopeful.


Shieldfield Home

My video Are Washing Machines More Important Than Smart Phones? Part two is in the current exhibition, Shieldfield Home, at The NewBridge Project.

It is a group exhibition of work made by people who live and work in Shieldfield. The video was made in my studio at NewBridge and explores the dichotomy between work and play.

The exhibition is open until Saturday 21st January 2023. The gallery is open 12 – 5pm, Wed – Saturday.

Full details can be found here.


No Music Day

Last year I wrote an article for the UBI Lab Network’s blog using Bill Drummond’s No Music Day project to frame an argument for Basic Income. This year I contacted Bill to let him know and he has added it to his website as a one of several “numerous performances of Tenzing Scott Brown’s play No Music Day.”

Middlesbrough Art Weekender 2022

I will be exhibiting new work as part of Middlesbrough Art Weekender 2022 – Thursday 22 to Sunday 25 September.

My work will be in display at Zetland Buildings (Exchange Square, Middlesbrough TS1 1DE) throughout the festival and and I will be at Hillstreet shopping centre mall (opposite Superdrug) on Saturday 23 Sept, 12pm – 4pm to talk to members of the public about their responses to the questions that the project poses. Come say hello.

Click here for full details of the festival.


Paint by Numbers – Friday 20th May – Thurs 26th May, 2022

Courtyard Café, Newcastle University – Old Library Building, Queen Victoria Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU.

Click here for Google map location

Paint by Numbers poses the question “Which currency is more valuable – Time or Money?” From there the exhibition explores connecting themes, including understandings of wealth, labour, and if free time should be a human right.

During the exhibition, the artist will be working in the space, painting the posters that are on display. He will record the number of hours he spends doing this and use the current minimum wage and Real Living Wage to calculate the value of his labour and the posters.

For more information about the project can be found here.

I have written a blog post for the UBI Lab Network about how the pandemic, and subsequent lockdowns, have changed perceptions on which activities are valued in society and how we could live differently if we all received a Basic Income. You can read the blog here.


I will be taking part in a webinar with Sarath Davala from India Network for Basic Income. I will outline what Basic Income is, along with the key arguments for and against it, using my art projects to do this.

Sarath will present evidence from pilot studies in India that he was involved in. Then he will discuss situation that has been caused by Covid-19 and the call for a global Emergency Basic Income.

Full details of the event can be found here


A striped back version of Paint by Numbers was shown at Tate Exchange in January 2020, as part of Sale, a workshop in collaboration with Central Saint Martins.

The installation photograph also includes work by Carole McCourt.



TIFA Working Studios, Pune, India

What is basic income? “…an income paid unconditionally to individuals regardless of their family or household relationships, regardless of other incomes, and regardless of their past, present, or future employment status.” *

The idea of Basic Income has been around for a long time but in recent years it has moved from the fringes of political discussion into the mainstream with supporters on both the left and the right of politics.

Artist, Toby P Lloyd, will give an overview of the Basic Income movement, discussing the different interpretations of the policy and outlining the arguments for and against them. He will draw on his own PhD research and art projects along with the work of others, including results from pilot studies that were carried out by UNICEF in Madhya Pradesh, India between 2010-13.

The event has been organised in collaboration with CASP and TIFA.

Full details and tickets can be found here

* Phillippe Van Parijs, Arguing for Basic Income: Ethical Foundations for Radical Reform (1992)




Past Projects / Events –

The Everyday Political group exhibition curated by George Vasey @ CGP Gallery, London

YOL / POSSET / LLOYD performance @ Fuse, 7 Rawson Place, Bradford, BD1 3JP

Between Eating and Sleeping @ The NewBridge Project, Gateshead: Monday 12th – Saturday 24th March, 2018

Between Eating and Sleeping @ Gallery II, University of Bradford: Monday 26th – Friday 3rd March, 2018



Lloyd & Wilson:

When is a pub not a pub? or Do we need a new public house? workshop at MIMA – Housing Study Day, November 25th, 2017

The Last Hour! exhibition and events programme at Collective, Edinburgh, September 22nd – November 5th, 2017